퓨어바닐라 쿠키(빛)

Type Support
ATK 444 
DEF 509 
HP 7500 
SPD 95 
CRR 15%
CRD 50%
ACC 0%
RES 15%

Leader Skill

Increases the defense of ally monsters by 44% in the Arena.

Vanilla Orchid Staff

Attacks the enemy target and recovers the HP of the ally with the lowest HP ratio by 10% of your MAX HP.   3.8*{ATK}

Lv. 2 Damage +5%
Lv. 3 Recovery +5%
Lv. 4 Damage +10%
Lv. 5 Recovery +10%
Lv. 6 Damage +10%
Lv. 7 Recovery +10%

Love & Peace

Illuminates all allies with the Vanilla Orchid Staff, recovering their HP by 15% and creating a shield equal to 20% of your MAX HP for 2 turns.   0.2*{MAX HP}

Lv. 2 Recovery +5%
Lv. 3 Recovery +5%
Lv. 4 Recovery +10%
Lv. 5 Cooltime Turn -1

Light of Truth

Grants Endure and Immunity on the ally target for 2 turns and resets the cooldown time. If the skill is used on a dead ally, the ally will be revived with little HP. The cooldown time will be increased by 2 turns additionally, but grants the same effect as when used on a living ally. However, [Light of Truth] is not affected by the cooldown increasing or decreasing skill.  

Lv. 2 Cooltime Turn -1